Steps and Procedure How Reprogram a Pendrive
Insert your Suspicious Storage OR Depective FLASHDRIVE to USB port of PC/Laptop.
Download or Visit │ Select PEN DRIVE TEST Tools │ or Get a │ Chip Geniues Tool │
Run the Chipgeniues Tool and get a result of "VENDOR CODE, Controller Part number, Flash ID code".
Controller Vendor: FirstChip(FC)
Controller Part-Number: FC1178BC
Flash ID code: 453C98B37672 - SanDisk - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC]32GiB
STEPS 3. Use Flash Tool in what a tool will be Use, It Depends on "chipset" result of Chip Geniues Tool.
STEPS 4. Use if │FIRSTCHIP │ CHIPSBANK │ ALCOR │ SMI│ download link below.
FLASH DRIVE ISSUE: Fake capacity
A 64GB OTG/flashdrive which can transfer file at max 58GB file, but when it reach a 29GB file, The rest storage was written it done but when opening file result currafted, its mean only 29GB is good usable.
VendorCo VID 048D
Flash ID 453C98B37672
Serial Number: 6017011125459701423
Controller Vendor: FirstChip
Controller Part-Number: FC1178BC
Flash ID code: 453C98B37672 - SanDisk - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC]
The MPTOOL Support 1179AB + N18/B27A/B27B 1179AA/1180 + N18/B27A/B27B/N28 requires special tools1179AB + N28/M26 requires special tools FirstChip_MpTools_20190725
Notice: This tool have ability to repair and FIX storage of Flash drive when it currafted or undefined drive which result "fake storage".
It will be erase excessive fake storage Also it fix capacity return to set factory default.
When using this tool, you have access the internal firmware or data of USB drive or devices. this post only share as blog how I use it on my defective flash drive.
MEGA OR Visit usbdev
Chipsbank APTool v7200 (2019-11-27) ; APToolV7200 (2019-11-27)
supported Part number CBM-2099S, 2099E, 2199, 2199A, 2199C, 2199S, 2199SC
FLASH DRIVE ISSUE: Fake capacity
128GB Pendrive, I save my almost 100 gigabytes files but not all save correctly, Some of many files was currafted.
I check it on Chipgenues tool to know about true capacity is only 32GB, which the only storage can save my file properly.
See screenshot below

Also I check on FAKEFLASHTEST to Test the size of capacity to get true storage.
I notice here its only 28 gigabytes (32GB) the other part is bad block sector.
Ok, Let Fix this,
1. 1st get the Information of what chip inside of flash drive using Chip genius tool
2. Get the result of "Control part number and Vendor code " and save in text document.
3. Search the the "Control part number and Vendor code " and download the tool software to reset the firmware related what chip inside of flash drive.
4. And I see its CHIPSBANK controller inside. And I use CHIPBANK AP TOOL which can download a link below.
Then Start to reprogram the firmware to reset to factory defult by chipset
Watch a Video How to revived my 64GB NO drive capacity problem.
FlashDrive Issue: "No Disk"
I have Metal USB flashDrive 64GB Its working well in a year but it suddenly stop working after unplug. It read my computer but "NO Drive capacity"
I try revive it by read first the chipset information using chip genuest tool.
Product Model: USB disk
Prduct Revision: 1100
Controller Vendor: SMI
Control Part-Number: SM3271AC1 - ISP 190926-DG1
Flash ID ode: 453E98B3 - Sandisk - 1CE/Single Channel TLC Total Capacity = 64GB

Production utility for working with USBFlash on microcontrollers of the Alcor AU698x \ 9x series (AU6989SN-GTC, AU6989SN-GTB, AU6989SNL-B, AU6998S69N-GTAS \ GTUN \ AU6998SN \ AU6989SN, AU6998AN \ AU6989AN, AU6998N \ AU6989N, AU6998 \ AU6989, AU6915 \ AU6989L, AU6998NL \ AU6989NL, AU6990T \ AU6987T, AU6992 \ AU6985, AU6990 \ AU6987, AU6990AN \ AU6987AN, AU6986 \ AU6983, AU6985B, AU6987B, FC8508B, FC8708B, AU6984, AU6982, AU6980)
A full range of functions inherent in the main flashers, ranging from the ability to create Fixed, Read-Only, AutoRun, Security-partitions on a flash drive.
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005
Device Vendor: GENERIC
Device Name: USB Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: Unknown - 0xBE
Flash ID code: 983C98B37672 - Toshiba - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 32GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
983C98B37672 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5530
Serial Number: 20060878310578C364E6
Device Vendor: SanDisk
Device Name: Cruzer
Device Revision: 0126
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer
Product Revision: 1.26
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
please help tools send me emil id panibandim1@gmail.com
Flash ID code: 983C98B37672 - Toshiba - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 32GB
The vendor is firstchip
My pendrive have a capacity of 16 gb, but with firstchip i get 8 gb, how can i resolve the problem.
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005
Device Vendor: GENERIC
Device Name: USB Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: Unknown - 0xBE
Flash ID code:983C98B37672 - Toshiba - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 32GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
983C98B37672 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
please send me tool in abdotop@gmail.com
Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(NAND USB2DISK)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = FFFF PID = 1201
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: NAND
Product Model: USB2DISK
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Vendor: FirstChip
Controller Part-Number: chipYC2019
Flash ID code: 2CC30832EA30 - Micron MT29F512G08EBLCE - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 1GB
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = FFFF PID = 1201
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: NAND
Product Model: USB2DISK
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Vendor: FirstChip
Controller Part-Number: chipYC2019
Flash ID code: 653CB8B3766B - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 32GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/search/?type=all&q=chipYC2019
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
653CB8B3766B --------
6565FFFFFFFF --------
6565FFFFFFFF --------
6565FFFFFFFF --------
6565FFFFFFFF --------
6565FFFFFFFF --------
6565FFFFFFFF --------
6565FFFFFFFF --------