How to Know │ Fix Fake capacity MiroSD│USB Drive format tools.
And many company create a lot production of these.. Sometimes there are companies make a fakes storage capacity to get the attention of buyer..
Sample of these is the product is 32GB SD card or more indicate in their product but the true usable storage is only 8GB. If you use it this Fake storage 32gb, Your data save in there is only 8GB and the rest storage was FAKE when it reach recommended space storage.
If you transfer 30GB file almost fill the 32gb SD card to these fake card resulting the rest last saved data will be "Damage" and give you headache if your file save there is important...
Can I can transfer 30GB file to fake storage 32GB flash drive or memory card ?
Answer ! YES!.
But the rest file in 30GB out of 8GB file is Damaged
You can save file because the system reading capacity of system is 32GB but the true capacity chipsets inside is not.
You save only is only 8GB and the rest save in there was damaged...
Lets check actual happen Watch video at
6:00 time transfer 1 Video on fake Storage.
No matter if it is expensive or inexpensive product. But most people are looking for cheap products.
And there now a birth of bad company produce Fake information of their product.
But not all companies make fake products produce, many not famous companies produce products like SD card Flash drive is not expensive or called it Class A or OEM products that show real and true information of their made that give TRUE Storage.
I do not intend to discredit the product screenshot below but rather help consumers come up with an idea. The screenshot item is compilation sample item already bought. Maybe not all same product picture above has Fake storage or coincidentally to me only.. There's many flash drive or SDcard is counterfeit I'm not going to tell you where I bought it. for store privacy.
FakeFlashTest was designed to quickly check if flash memory devices are fake (i.e. they have been programmed to lie about their size), it does not check all memory for faults..
Example 1.
In the video below, There a lot of Sandisk MicroSd with the value of 16GB, 32GB, and 1pc 64GB.
The capacity storage test result of 16GB and 32GB is 100% true capacity storage results and STORE where it bought
But the 64GB was "failed" to reach recommended maximum capacity, it is only 31GB.
SAMPLE OF VIDEO HOW TO TEST STORAGE using a Test storage tool.FakeFlashTest and Low level format Test result on this Video.
Example 2.What is fake storage I experience here for this another labels
I bought an " MicroSD Sandisk 16GB " products here the actual screenshot below..

When I test it in FAKEFLASHTEST Tool this MicroSD Sandisk 16GB it is only 498MB storage but it reading my phone and computer as 16GB =15.4GB or 15000.4MB(16GB) as mass storage for caching some storage for system reading.. Computation is 1GB = 1000MB

"Open New Tab to enlarge image".
Like i said before in paragraph above, If I will transfer or Save maximum of 498MB file to this card the rest you save there result was damaged file..
Another Test Flash drive is Kingston 2GB in this screenshot label below
The Fake flash tool in base my "experience" by using this tool is perfect on class 4 speed or up to(80mb/s)card with maximum 32gb, In class 10 with max.16GB.
If you use it on class 10 speed memory or (100MB/s) 32Gb more up value? The result is not accurate or not compatible must better use a "H2testw" for better result, But this tool is more faster than other Testing storage tool.
ANSWER,Yes I give basic Idea in my lot of experience as a buyer, You can notice it by "REVIEW" of products like my Blog here or in Flash picture screenshot of label of Item.
Please watch a Video below Shows a basic ideas as my experience only.
Hey Guys! its Goodnews........
Hello, Check this link is a OEM only Toshiba products that I already Test and Actual transfer 29GB Files and result is 100% Tested as TRUE storage
Visit Toshiba OEM 32G PASS on testVisit SANDISK products PASS on Test
Visit 32GB Flash Drive with OTG Pass on Test
DOWNLOADThis HDD Low Level Format utility is free for home use. It can erase and Low-Level Format a SATA, IDE, SAS, SCSI or SSD hard disk Flash drive. Will also work with any USB and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures as well as SD, MMC, MemoryStick and CompactFlash media.
WARNING: After running this low level format tool, the whole disk storage surface will be erased it become (RAW) without any system partition. Data restoration is impossible after using this utility!
It will Deep format all sector storage including (FAT/NTFS) system, After format the storage become RAW.
DOWNLOAD Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.It can be especially useful for cases where:
you need to create USB installation media from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc.)
you need to work on a system that doesn't have an OS installed
you need to flash a BIOS or other firmware from DOS
you want to run a low-level utility.
DOWNLOAD│ ChipGenius support │ ChipGeniues Copy.rar │ChipGenius is a small and portable application which can quickly extract information from connected USB devices on a PC.
The application can be useful in diagnosing issues connected with broken USB flash drives; it can access devices even if they are not visible in Windows' device explorer.
All that is required of using ChipGenius is to make sure that the USB devices in question have been connected to the computer. The main interface will display the device description, processing speed, ID data and the device serial number.
ChipGenius can be handy in extracting particulars of a USB drive such as the chip vendor and specific part numbers.
So whether you're looking to troubleshoot a defective flash drive or a USB keyboard, ChipGenius can be a handy application to extract details of devices that Windows cannot.
It can show you Vendor key. Part number code or Flash ID code. It can tell you what chips inside is used in a flash drive or card.
Using a chipgenius tool, It will show you the info of flash ID. The screenshot above is Kingston Fake storage of 4gb and 8GB indicate on label. But if you test it on Chipgenius you see it clearly that the flash ID is only 256MB only. To be sure the result was accurate! It test again in "fakeflashtool" you see on right side screenshot is only 243MB thats is nearly same result...

SD Formatter Tool
Using SD Formatter Tool to restore full capacity on SDHC/SDXC cards.
Some card readers or host devices are not compatible with the larger SDHC and SDXC cards.
Meaning the Sandisk you insert to detect this apps is "Original from Sandisk manufacturer". and it formatted you see in 2nd picture below...
If the reader or host is not compatible with the larger capacity the card will be re partitioned to a size that is supported.
For example if your card reader or camera is compatible with a SDHC card with a maximum capacity of 32GB using this reader or camera to format a 64GB SDXC card will result in the card being re partitioned to 32GB (~27GB usable capacity)
If you experience this issue you will need to use a reader or host that supports the full capacity of the card and use the SD formatter to recover the full capacity.
Check this class 10 SDHC/SDXC 32-64GB or more storage Test

The First screenshot above is a Sandisk SDHC 32GB class 10 is best for CCTV or IPcam recording..
It low-level-format to HDD format tool and the result of 61440 sectors
The best way to test this Sandisk class 10 is use the "Sandisk SD Formatter" or H2test on support at the link below.
You can see the 3rd screenshot when run the application there is no "LOGO" trademark if there is no detected. But when insert this Sandisk SDHC 32GB class 10 below screenshot,
You can see the 4th picture that there is now have a "LOGO trademark". That means the Sdcard you test is from Sandisk manufacturer.. You can not worry for fake storage because you feel it is original card...
This is a Sample test of Original Sandisk card.

SanDisk SD Formatter Tool
SanDisk SD Formatter manual
H2testw writes data in chunks of 1 megabyte. So even if you choose to completely fill the media you will end up with up to 1 megabyte offree space. Although technically not correct H2testw uses the Windows convention that 1 MByte equals 1024 KByte or 1,048,576 Byte. In order to avoid problems with the 4 GByte limitation of the FAT file system, H2testw begins a new data file after each gigabyte (1024 MByte).Inside a data file each 512-byte sector begins with a 64-bit word (8byte) containing the offset with regard to the whole data set. It isstored in little-endian format, least significant byte first.
So the file 1.h2w file begins with [00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00]
The next sector with [00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00]
The next with [00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00] and so on.
The file 2.h2w begins with 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00
(offset 1 GByte = 0x40000000).
The rest of each sector is filled with a pseudo random number sequence using the offset word as a seed.

'Open a new Tab to Enlarrge Picture"
The Screenshot is the Chipgenius Tool that show the Vendor chip and serial that show 32GB total capacity.
The next screenshot is h2testw result of this "Kingston OTG Flashdrive" that the storage is TRUE" after test in 2 hours and the storage is FULL..
This hwtestw tool is the best way to test storage of SDcard or Flashdrive, No matter what kind/type or value, But This is the most slowest testing tool ...
Sample if you Test this Kingston 32gb OTG flash drive is result approx. 2 hour before finishing the test but it is accurate and true output.
How to FIX the Real Capacity of MicroSD Flashdrive (MyDiskFix).
A special version of the MyDiskFix utility translated by the project into English . Its main purpose is to format flash drives in a given volume. What is actively used to restore fake flash drives, real size.
In short, in order to format the drive in real volume, you need to:
- calculate the number of living sectors with the H2TESTW utility ;
- hammer from to the MyDiskFix utility area
- select low-level formatting and press the START button

Download this tool at
The drive become RAW ex. FAT,NTFS system will remove. It is safe for your drive but files save there will not recover anymore. BR. Author